Wednesday, June 29
5:15 PM-7:15 PM
Ballroom West

Using Inspiration to Promote Reflection

Poster/Demo ID: 13163
  1. aaa
    Martine Peters
    Universit?du Québec

Abstract: In our teacher education program, student teachers are required to develop reflective skills through the use of various technological tools, two of which are a discussion forum and the computer program Inspiration. During the course of a semester, students exchanged views and opinions on an online discussion forum about their perceptions of learning and teaching. At the end of the semester, student teachers were required to conceptualize their vision of learning and teaching with a conceptual map using Inspiration. This research analyzed the students?maps as well as the discussion forum exchanges. Qualitative analysis of these results indicate that students who participated more on the Forum also had conceptual maps containing more concepts as well as more layers of concepts. Conclusions on the use of the two tools in a teacher education program to develop these competencies will be discussed.

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