Share Paper: Using Second Life as an Educational Instructional Tool with Pre-service Education Students: A Work in Progress

  1. Chris Campbell, La Trobe University, Australia
  2. Stephen Jones, La Trobe University, Australia
Friday, July 4 2:50 PM-3:10 PM FH 101B (3rd Fl)

Abstract: Online social networks and computer based games continue to attract new users in their millions around the world. Educators are drawn to investigate these environments to understand their attraction to users, to meet the challenges of new kinds of literacies and to examine new kinds of interactions and the potential of new teaching tools (The Schome Community, 2007). This paper describes a work in progress of a pilot study of Second Life as an accessible example of a virtual world/rich social network and a new technological teaching tool. The study investigates fourth year pre-service education students experiencing Second Life in ...