Share Paper: Curriculum mapping: An automated solution

  1. Lesley Gardner, University of Auckland Business School, New Zealand
  2. Andy Nguyen, University of Auckland Business School, New Zealand
  3. Don Sheridan, University of Auckland Business School, New Zealand
Wednesday, June 29 3:25-3:45 PM Pavilion Ballroom D

Abstract: An institution that maintains a triple crown accreditation will incur ‘license’ fees of US$265K per five-year cycle plus even more annual, internal costs associated with administrators, unique quality assurance processes, data capture, collection, and processing. A ‘worst case’ example is Vanderbilt University with an annual estimate of 5K hours and $2.92M! These institutional costs, if visible, seldom calculate the time consumed on the part of the “worker bees” who would rather do their research and teaching. A key process cycle is documenting the curriculum - which in most tertiary institutions is fraught with difficulties, mainly because the actual implementation of ...