Thursday, October 20
11:15-11:45 AM
Waimea Canyon

Making Hypermedia Dynamic: Hypervideo for Teaching Technology and Interaction

Full Paper ID: 34272
  1. aaa
    Peter Hoffmann
    TZI - Center for Computing and Communication Technologies

Abstract: This paper describes an application which was originally started as a hypervideo tool but meanwhile advanced to a framework to supports also the combination of dynamic and static hypermedia. One main field of applications for this “HyPE eXpo” is e-learning. Therefore a combination of dynamic and static hypermedia is used to present the information world of an exhibition of prototypes and demonstrators from actual research projects. This exhibition is used to attract pupil to computer sciences. As special kinds of computer systems are shown in the TZI eXpo, a lot of information around these technology are given. Furthermore new, necessarily needed interaction paradigms are introduced. To give pupils the option to prepare and revise the visit of the exhibition a web-based presentation of the exhibition was started. As interaction is complex to explain with text and still images, the shown exhibits are presented with hypervideo and dynamic hypermedia

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