Add item to your planner: Scheduled Event: Workshop 2: How to (Technically) Build an Online Course with (Effectively Designed) Asynchronous Peer Video Exchange
Oct. 15, 2018
1:00 PM-4:30 PM
This workshop will teach the overarching skills needed to develop an online course that includes multimedia content. During this workshop, I will teach the technical and instructional design skills needed to build an online, web-based course, using html to enhance layout clarity; develop course context; record and edit video prompts; present “tiered” instructions; write evaluation rubrics; and facilitate debriefing “rooms” to create an effective course with peer-to-peer evaluations via video exchange. Session attendees will be able to • create a design and development plan • use Camtasia to edit prompt videos • use Canvas to set instructional context for video exchange in an online, web-based course • set-up the Practice software interface with edited prompt videos • create and facilitate “debriefing rooms” for participants to reflect upon self-performance, peer-evaluations, and expert video presentations