Wednesday, March 4
6:00 PM-7:30 PM
Ballrooms A & B

The Digital Natives are Speaking

Poster/Demo ID: 24986
  1. aaa
    Jody Britten
    Butler University
  2. MaryEllen Estridge
    Butler University
  3. Katie Volmer
    Butler University
  4. aaa
    Jon Clausen
    Ball Sate University

Abstract: This brief paper will present the work of undergraduate students in teacher education, a graduate student in training and development, and a professor of education. The paper presentation will articulate findings in two critical areas (1) lifeworld differences in undergraduate teacher education student views, skills, and use of technology and (2) lifeworld differences in designing and working within learning spaces, and (3) the redesign of a course that models the technology integration from the perspective of a digital native and is attentive to those lifeworld differences of undergraduate teacher education students relative to technology.

No presider for this session.


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