Share Paper: Using a BYOD Model to Teach a Graduate Level Video Production Course to In-service Teachers

  1. Shaunna Smith, Texas State University, United States
  2. David Byrum, Texas State University, United States
Wednesday, March 27 12:10-12:30 PM Edgewod AB

Abstract: This paper reflects on the experience of utilizing a bring-your-own-device (BYOD) model to teach a graduate-level teacher education course in video production. Students enrolled in the course were in-service teachers whose curriculum and instruction graduate majors ranged from early childhood generalists to secondary social studies. This teacher education course utilized a BYOD model to explore the notion that instead of imposing specific tools, teacher educators should provide strong pedagogical approaches in which educators can insert the appropriate tools that they have access to. By focusing on key components of video production (writing, lighting, video, audio, and editing), educators can use ...