Share Paper: VoiceThread + SCIM-C: Teachers Creating Personal Digital Histories

  1. Philip Molebash, Loyola Marymount University, United States
  2. John Lee, North Carolina State University, United States
  3. Yvette Lapayese, Loyola Marymount University, United States
  4. Edmundo Litton, Loyola Marymount University, United States
Wednesday, March 27 6:15 PM-8:00 PM Grand Ballroom C

Abstract: Teachers quite often teach the way they were taught. Social studies instruction, therefore, largely looks and feels like it did five decades ago. If we are to change course, social studies teacher preparation must move beyond the sampling of instructional strategies; rather, programs most provide robust experiences for inquiry, interpretation, creation, and seeking personal meaning. In effect, teachers will never change if they are not given opportunities to do historical research. This paper discusses efforts to provide 67 Teach For America Corps members authentic experiences to “do history.” Specifically, these teachers were given explicit instruction on the SCIM-C strategy (Hicks, ...