Wednesday, March 19
11:30 AM-12:30 PM

Fail Again, Fail Better: Contextual factors that influence creativity in technology mediated learning contexts

Symposium ID: 42004
  1. aaa
    Punya Mishra
    Michigan State University
  2. aaa
    Danah Henriksen
    Michigan State University
  3. Shaunna Smith
    Texas State University
  4. Michael DeSchryver
    Central Michigan University
  5. aaa
    Chris Fahnoe
    Michigan State University
  6. aaa
    Colin Terry
    Michigan State University
  7. aaa
    William Cain
    Michigan State University
  8. aaa
    Jonathon Good
    Michigan State University

Abstract: This symposium addresses issues of the kinds of technology-mediated contexts that support creativity. An additional theme is that of how the idea of failure can prompt the creative process. Presenters in this symposium will describe the theoretical, and pragmatic ways in which creativity can be supported and nurtured. A range of presenters will speak to multiple contexts such as, graduate level courses, digital fabrications, learning on the web, attentional failure, along with other issues, to build a richly nuanced perspective on creativity, failure, and the role of technology.

No presider for this session.


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