Share Paper: Applying Conceptual Change Model in the Professional Development for Online Faculty

  1. La Tonya Dyer, Towson University, United States
  2. Liyan Song, Towson University, United States
Wednesday, March 23 11:50 AM-12:10 PM Scarbrough 1

Abstract: Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to present a professional development design that incorporates a conceptual change model for online faculty in higher education institutions. Specifically, Nussbaum and Novick’s (1982) conceptual conflict instructional strategy is applied within a professional development module for online faculty. The module supports faculty reflection via the use of concept maps and discussions regarding their preconceptions about the topics of learning and instruction as well as the roles of learners and instructors. The module is intended to support faculty with experiencing the conceptual change process and addressing their misconceptions regarding instructional design and instructional technologies ...