K-12 Online Learning

Special Interest Group
Focused on research pertaining to K-12 online and blended education in all of its various formats.


The use of distance education, particularly online learning, at the K-12 level is growing dramatically. There is significant K-12 online learning activity in 44 states, along with international virtual schooling initiatives in Australia, Canada, China, Finland, Iran, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, Turkey, and the United Kingdom (and likely others).

The K-12 Online Learning SIG will take an international focus on the growth of this form of distance education at the K-12 level. This focus may include issues related to the design and delivery of programs, the models used to organized virtual school opportunities, the nature of virtual school students, and the preparation of teachers for the virtual school environment to name but a few areas.


Started March 30, 2013

808 members, 17 discussionss.

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