Share Paper: Measuring K-12 Computational Thinking Concepts, Practices and Perspectives: An Examination of Current CT Assessments

  1. Catherine Adams, University of Alberta, Canada
  2. Maria Cutumisu, University of Alberta, Canada
  3. Chang Lu, University of Alberta, Canada
Tuesday, March 19 10:45 AM-11:15 AM Celebrity Ballroom 1&2

Abstract: Computational Thinking (CT) is an essential skill for K-12 students in the 21st century. Many CT assessment instruments have been implemented for students at different grade levels. However, there is a lack of systematic grouping of CT assessments to assist researchers and practitioners in selecting a suitable CT assessment instrument to use. To better understand the growing field of CT assessment, this paper presents a set of 26 CT assessments that were scoped during a recent review of the literature, coded by the specific competencies measured, and organized into a 3D Hybrid CT Framework based on Brennan and Resnick (2012), ...